September 19, 2024

Throughout the late ‘70s and the ‘80s, The Police changed the sound of rock music. They brought pop and new wave elements to the genre, and the songwriting was unparalleled. Decades later, the group’s music remains incredibly popular, but fans shouldn’t get excited about another possible reunion.

Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers–two of the members of The Police–recently spoke to Mojo about their legacy, and they answered the question that must follow them everywhere they go. When asked, “Is there any shared feeling within the band that you’d like to get back together one last time,” the musicians didn’t hold back.

“No,” Copeland answered simply and definitively. He added, “There’s at least a 0000000000000000000000.1 percent chance of it ever happening,” perhaps as a joke…or maybe to give followers of the group the tiniest bit of hope.

Summers seemed content with never reuniting as well. “I think we went out on a high,” he stated earlier in the conversation. The musician explained his reasoning by saying, “We sold 75 million records [in total]. Can’t complain about that. It gave us all a marvelous platform and legacies to live with, or if not, beat.”

Copeland agreed with his former bandmate. “We’re very pleased, I think, all three of us, that we left at the top of the parabola,” he shared. Copeland finished his thought on the topic by saying, “We never saw the other side of the parabola. We take great pride in that.”

The Police only released five albums during their time together, but they still managed to become one of the biggest bands in the world in a matter of just a few years. The group shot to the top of charts everywhere with songs like “Message in a Bottle,” “Walking on the Moon,” “Don’t Stand So Close to Me,” and “Every Breath You Take,” among others.

The Police Experience | Visit South Jersey

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