‘Greed is Good’ Again? Trump Puzzles Jimmy Kimmel with 37-Year-Old Film Rant

JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE! Ð ÒJimmy Kimmel Live!Ó airs every weeknight at 11:35 p.m. ET and features a diverse lineup of guests that include celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human interest subjects, along with comedy bits and a house band. The guests for Monday, February 12 included Katy Perry (ÒAmerican IdolÓ), Super Bowl Champion Mecole Hardman, and musical guest Charles Wesley Godwin. (Disney/Randy Holmes) JIMMY KIMMEL

Jimmy Kimmel Left Baffled After Donald Trump Goes on Tangent About a 37-Year-Old Movie During Recent Interview

In a strange turn of events on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, late-night host Jimmy Kimmel found himself at a loss for words after former President Donald Trump went on a seemingly random tangent about a 37-year-old movie during an interview segment. The bizarre moment has since gone viral, sparking a mixture of confusion and amusement from viewers who were left wondering how and why the conversation veered so wildly off course.

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The interview, which was originally scheduled as a conversation about current political events and Trump’s potential 2024 presidential bid, took an unexpected detour when Trump began reminiscing about the 1987 film Wall Street. The movie, directed by Oliver Stone and starring Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen, was a cultural landmark in the late ’80s, known for its exploration of corporate greed and excess. However, it seemed like an odd choice for a political interview focused on contemporary issues.

Kimmel, who has a knack for keeping his interviews lighthearted yet informative, began by asking Trump about his thoughts on the upcoming election and the current state of American politics. But within minutes, Trump shifted gears to discuss Gordon Gekko, the iconic character played by Michael Douglas in *Wall Street*.

“I’ve always liked the movie Wall Street,” Trump said, pausing as if waiting for Kimmel to respond with some shared insight. “Gordon Gekko—you know, ‘Greed is good.’ He was right about a lot of things. People don’t understand that. It’s about winning, it’s about success, and honestly, if you look at how things are going today, it’s not that different.”

At first, Kimmel attempted to steer the conversation back to the political realm, offering polite nods and trying to relate the movie reference to broader economic trends or policy. But as Trump continued to focus on the film’s themes—seemingly trying to draw parallels between Gekko’s cutthroat philosophy and his own political career—the host’s patience began to wear thin.

Kimmel interrupted with a chuckle, “So, what does this have to do with the election?” His trademark smile now tinged with visible confusion. “I’m not sure we’re following you.”

But Trump, undeterred, doubled down. “Well, people forget the lessons from these movies. You know, they call me corrupt, but look at the banks, look at the corporations. They’re the real Gekkos,” Trump added, waving his hands in emphasis.

The crowd was divided between laughter and awkward silence as Trump’s comments continued without any clear connection to Kimmel’s original questions. Eventually, Kimmel had to laugh it off, saying, “I think we’ve gone a little off track here, Mr. President. Can we get back to the 2024 election?”

Social media lit up following the episode, with fans and critics alike weighing in on the unexpected movie reference. Many viewers expressed their confusion online, questioning why Trump would focus on a nearly four-decade-old film rather than addressing the issues of the day.

One Twitter user joked, “I came for political insight, but stayed for the Gordon Gekko fan club meeting.” Another wrote, “Did Trump just spend five minutes defending Wall Street on Kimmel? What year is it?!”

This isn’t the first time Trump has gone off-script to reference pop culture during interviews or speeches. He has long been known for his fascination with movies, television shows, and celebrity culture. However, the sudden turn to discuss Wall Street during a politically focused conversation was jarring, even by Trump’s unpredictable standards.

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Despite the odd tangent, Kimmel managed to regain control of the interview, eventually guiding the conversation back to policy discussions and Trump’s potential 2024 campaign strategies. But the unusual moment continues to make headlines, with clips of the exchange racking up millions of views across social media platforms.

While the conversation eventually returned to its intended topic, the moment will likely be remembered as one of the more surreal interviews in recent late-night history. Jimmy Kimmel, ever the professional, handled the unexpected diversion with humor, but even he couldn’t hide his bewilderment at Trump’s tangent. For now, the late-night audience and political commentators alike are left to ponder what exactly prompted Trump’s sudden deep dive into a 1987 film—and what it says about his current state of mind.

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