Why Did Megadeth Frontman Dave Mustaine Leave Heavy Metal Gods Metallica?
How does it feel to be in one of the best-recognized metal bands in the world before they were the best metal band in the world? Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine has sold more than 50 million albums with his incredibly successful metal band over the last 40 years. But Metallica has sold more than 125 million albums. Before he started Megadeth, Dave was a member of Metallica.#
Dave’s ejection from Metallica was well documented in the groundbreaking 2004 documentary Some Kind of Monster. During the process of writing and recording the Metallica album of the same name, the band went through therapy. They brought in Dave and, for some reason, all parties agreed that this was a good thing to film. Lucky for us, it was actually released, and it is one of the most uncomfortable, jaw-dropping moments of heavy metal history.
In a scene with Dave and Metallica’s Lars Ulrich, Dave begins by saying, “I watched the people around the world say what a great guitar player Kirk is and what a piece of shit I am. And that I got kicked out of Metallica. And I wasn’t good enough for them. And that I was a loser. And I’ve had to deal with that for almost 20 years. It’s a dreadful experience. It’s been hard, Lars. It’s been hard to watch everything that you guys do and you touch turn to gold and everything I do f–king backfire.”
Dave was kicked out of the band due to alcoholism
Dave’s struggles with alcoholism are well documented. In Loudwire the musician said, “I was very unpredictable and I embarrassed everyone around me. I still look back on those times as mostly fun, but usually the time when I would start to get to the point where violence would occur was when I was heading towards a blackout. That continued long after I left Metallica and it was the main reason why, in 1988, I decided I’m gonna stop. It just took a long f–king time to get the train slowed down.”
40 years since being kicked out, Dave and Metallica are now cool.
The rift between Dave and Metallica was healed when Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, and Slayer co-headlined the Big Four shows in 2010. Speaking to Guitar World magazine in 2023, Dave talked about the relationship.
When asked if he heard Metallica’s new record, Dave said, “No, I have not heard Metallica’s latest record. But there was a time around 20 years ago when we were not being friendly toward each other when I couldn’t listen to their music when it came on the radio. But none of that bothers me anymore, and it’s not why I haven’t heard the record, especially after the Big Four thing that we did. I really think we should do that again.”
Dave Mustaine didn’t exactly leave Metallica by choice.
Dave didn’t leave Metallica so much as he was kicked out. In fact, it may be how most people think of Dave: the guy who got kicked out of Metallica, rather than Dave, the guy who sold 50 million albums as a member of Megadeth.
There’s an old saying that goes, “be nice to people on your way up because you’ll meet them on your way down” or something to that effect. Basically don’t be a dick because you might need them one day. During a recent interview, that same sentiment was expressed by none other than metal’s most notable nice guy — Dave Mustaine.
In a recent interview with Monterrey Rock, Mustaine explained how a lot of Megadeth‘s success over the last four decades or so has been humility and being kind to other artists, while not being pushed around themselves.
“I think it’s not compromising and sticking to your convictions, being true to yourself and just not being a mean asshole. [Laughs] There’s a lot of musicians who get successful and they start to believe their own hype, that they’re really cool. And you know what? We’re all the same. That’s the end of the story. Period.
“When I hear stories out on the road, like when I was younger, I heard about some bands where this woman singer would make everyone call her ‘miss something.’ And you couldn’t look at her. I know Madonna did that, but this was somebody else before that. And I thought, ‘Wow, I don’t like her anymore.’ And it wasn’t that I liked her in the first place, but I just thought, ‘What kind of an asshole does that?’ ‘Don’t look at me!’ ‘All right! Don’t look at this! Fuck you!’
“When you start thinking you’re better than other people… You might be better at something than other people, but you know what? Man, we’re all the same. We’ve gotta stop treating people like other people don’t matter.”
Surely, there’s zero irony or anything we could make jokes about his comments. I mean, it’s not like he’s ever pissed off other people because of the shit he’s said in the past. Nor has he ever been a prick to his former band members or guitar techs. He’s never, ever caused problems regarding payments. Hell, it’s not like he’s ever blamed other metal acts for the lack of respect the genre gets. No, not ever.
DAVE MUSTAINE Says That “Not Being A Mean A hole” Is The Secret To MEGADETH’s Success
Dave Mustaine recently spoke with Carmen Coronado of Monterrey Rock about the reception to Megadeth’s latest album The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead!, and during the conversation he revealed what he thinks is the secret recipe for the band’s success: don’t be a jerk.
Mustaine expressed satisfaction with the critical and commercial success of the album, as it topped charts worldwide, marking a career-high for the band.
“It’s been very well received. It was successful for us. We have had some really high-charting records before, but this was the highest-charting record of all when it comes down to around the world. In the past, we’d have a record that was good in one place, but it wasn’t good everywhere, and this record has been really good in a lot of places. There’s been a couple of places where they just don’t like metal. But for the most part, I’ve been very, very, very, very happy with the outcome of this record,” Mustaine revealed.
But the key to this achievement, according to him, isn’t selling out or compromising their sound. It’s simply staying true to yourself and treating others with respect.
“I think it’s not compromising and sticking to your convictions, being true to yourself, and just not being a mean asshole. There are a lot of musicians who get successful and they start to believe their own hype, that they’re really cool. And you know what? We’re all the same. That’s the end of the story. Period.”
Mustaine went on to criticize the aloofness and entitlement he’s witnessed in other musicians, calling out those who demand special treatment, throwing in an expletive while in the process.
“When I hear stories out on the road, like when I was younger, I heard about some bands where this woman singer would make everyone call her ‘miss something. And you couldn’t look at her. I know Madonna did that, but this was somebody else before that. And I thought, ‘Wow, I don’t like her anymore.’ And it wasn’t that I liked her in the first place, but I just thought, ‘What kind of an asshole does that?’ ‘Don’t look at me!’ ‘All right! Don’t look at this! Fuck you!'”
“When you start thinking you’re better than other people… You might be better at something than other people, but you know what? Man, we’re all the same. We’ve gotta stop treating people like other people don’t matter.” Mustaine added.
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