American singer-songwriter Beth Hart – famous in the genres blues rock, jazz fusion, soul – is in Armenia in the framework of the European tour. Armenpress managed to have an interview with the talented singer and learn about her key to success and greatest personal accomplishment.
– What repertoire will you introduce to the Armenian audience?
-People have been asking me to perform their favorite songs since I came here. I’ll try to realize that: the entire meaning of the show is to present people whatever they like to hear. There will be songs both from old and new albums but the final decision is still to be made.
-Musicians usually do not like to perform their old songs, but prefer the new ones. How do you approach that matter?
– I prefer to give the audience what they want. Hence before leaving for a country or city I try to make a mini-research. The Internet has a wonderful role in this regard: you can make queries among people and get answers right away. There are people who want to listen to new songs, some others want older songs. For this reason, I introduce a mix.
-Could you name the person who had the greatest influence on you and helped you become the person you are today?
– Oh, there are so many artists – Beethoven, Billie Holliday, Daniel Washington, Bob Marley, Stew Paulce, James Taylor, Rickie Lee Jones, James Brown, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin… the list can be continued endlessly.
-And who is the person who always motivated you to go forward and not to give in?
-Apparently my mother and father. My mother always believed in me and said that I can do whatever I like and cared only for me to be happy. My father has a more critical approach but it also helps as the responsibility and your desire to prove your righteousness increase.
– What do you consider your greatest achievement?
-My marriage with Scott.
– Did you have to make a sacrifice to maintain that achievement?
– I never had to sacrifice anything. And I would not do it. That may be the reason I am not a celebrity. Though I always wanted to be rich and popular, to live in a nice seaside apartment, doing my favorite work was more important to me. The thing is not that I am very smart or honest but apparently the reason for this is that I am very weak and sensitive. Because of that weakness I couldn’t become a smart entrepreneur.
– Where do you find so much energy from?
– I am just a supermobile person and have always been such. I use much medication to calm myself. This is my calm state.
-I know that you organized an American tour in 1999 in order to raise money for young musicians. Do you continue doing charity work?
-Yes, we are trying to do different things. Something new is created every year. At this moment we are recording an album against trafficking of people. I think it is a responsibility. God conferred talent on you for you to create music not only for yourself, not only to increase your bank accounts but also to make the world better, to make a positive change. Otherwise, all of it would be in vain.
Beth Hart was interviewed by Anahit Simonyan and Syune Baghdasaryan.
P.S. Journalists of Armenpress were the first to applaud Beth Hart in Yerevan. In response to the question “Through which music would you express your feelings at the moment?” Beth Hart presented Armenpress’ team with a music performance.
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