September 19, 2024

That was until I went to a Kamala Harris rally. Biden made the proper decision to go.

After only a day back in the US, I received a WhatApp message letting me know that Joe Biden had dropped out of the presidential contest.

At the Wisconsin care facility where my aging mother spends her days, I was bored and tried to avoid turning on the television for as long as I could. The attack commercials were vicious, and pundits were being terrible in their ableist mistake of stutter for dementia. Instead of George Clooney, I didn’t want that to come into contact with my mother, who has been diagnosed with dementia by her doctor.

Upon discovering Joe Biden’s pinch spot, I initially assumed that they had applied intense pressure.

Biden was portrayed as a weak, blubbering moron, but within hours of his resignation, he was transformed into a brave, selfless patriot who placed country above self-interest.

In my opinion, the Democrats ought to have continued to support Biden in the race. However, when the money and endorsements came rolling in, I realized he had pulled off a cunning move.

The US President appears to have shielded his running mate from a contentious primary by seizing the opportunity to support Kamala Harris ahead of time. He also made sure that the 14 million voters who supported the Biden-Harris ticket would have their desired outcome rather than the mayhem of an open convention.

Kamala Harris Wisconsin speech: Harris holds first official campaign rally

Prepared to file a lawsuit to retain Biden on the ticket and prevent the Democrats from choosing another candidate, Republicans were depending on this.

Though it’s possible that we will never fully understand Biden’s thoughts, we do know that he has spent his time in government cleaning up Donald Trump’s mess and paving the way for a woman to take the reins and lead from a position of strength.

Tuesday, I checked X to see Harris beginning her presidential campaign within 15 minutes of our arrival, and I gave my mother a real cup of coffee instead of the usual sewage that is delivered to her. So I ventured out.

There’s a proverb that states Republicans fall in line and Democrats fall in love. I developed feelings for Hillary. I developed a love and protectiveness for Joe.

I also recalled Kamala’s primary campaign’s misogynoir and Hillary’s misogyny. I couldn’t stand by and watch as another brilliant lady was denigrated for daring to seek for a position for which she is exceptionally qualified.

Democrats in this instance fell in love and lined up, following an extraordinary maneuver that has put the Trump-Vance ticket on the defensive.

Biden has another gift for Harris: a golden opportunity to win votes

Over the afternoon, my doubts diminished.

People gushed about the high participation; 6,000 people responded to a local Democratic invitation, but only 3,000 were admitted. The joy was contagious even in spite of the oppressive heat. Black musicians exploded on the playlist. Members of the union declared that “the energy is back.”

As reports of unprecedented grassroots contributions emerged and the necessary number of delegates endorsed Harris, it was evident that, regardless of our opinions of the candidate, the supporters present in that room were united behind Harris.

At one point, she said, “What kind of country do we want to live in?”

“A Kamala one!” exclaimed one, drawing a roar from the assembly.

The swiftness with which the party came together behind her, along with the $200 million raised in just one week, is contributing to the debunking of the notion that the Democrats are in disarray. If Harris succeeds, we might actually have a Kamala nation.

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